2.1 Kinetic particle theory

O Level - Pure Chemistry

(a) describe the solid, liquid and gaseous states of matter and explain their interconversion in terms of the kinetic particle theory and of the energy changes involved
(b) describe and explain evidence for the movement of particles in liquids and gases
(the treatment of Brownian motion is not required)
(c) explain everyday effects of diffusion in terms of particles, e.g. the spread of perfumes and cooking aromas; tea and coffee grains in water
(d) state qualitatively the effect of molecular mass on the rate of diffusion and explain the dependence of rate of diffusion on temperature

O Level - Combined Chemistry

(a) describe the solid, liquid and gaseous states of matter and explain their interconversion in terms of the kinetic particle theory and of the energy changes involved

N(A) Level - Combined Chemistry

(a) describe the solid, liquid and gaseous states of matter and explain their interconversion in terms of the kinetic particle theory and of the energy changes involved
- Syllabuses from SEAB

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