7.2 Salts

O Level - Pure Chemistry

(a) describe the techniques used in the preparation, separation and purification of salts as examples of some of the techniques specified in Section 1.2(a)
(methods for preparation should include precipitation and titration together with reactions of acids with metals, insoluble bases and insoluble carbonates)
(b) describe the general rules of solubility for common salts to include nitrates, chlorides (including silver and lead), sulfates (including barium, calcium and lead), carbonates, hydroxides, Group I cations and ammonium salts
(c) suggest a method of preparing a given salt from suitable starting materials, given appropriate information

O Level - Combined Chemistry

(a) describe the techniques used in the preparation, separation and purification of salts as examples of some of the techniques specified in chemistry Section 1.2(a)
(methods for preparation should include precipitation and titration, together with reactions of acids with metals, insoluble bases and insoluble carbonates)
(b) suggest a method of preparing a given salt from suitable starting materials, given appropriate information

N(A) Level - Combined Chemistry

(a) describe the techniques used in the preparation, separation and purification of salts as examples of some of the techniques specified in Sections 1.2(a)
(methods for preparation should include precipitation and titration, together with reactions of acids with metals, insoluble bases and insoluble carbonates)
(b) suggest a method of preparing a given salt from suitable starting materials, given appropriate information
- Syllabuses from SEAB

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