2.2 Atomic structure

O Level - Pure Chemistry

(a) state the relative charges and approximate relative masses of a proton, a neutron and an electron
(b) describe, with the aid of diagrams, the structure of an atom as containing protons and neutrons (nucleons) in the nucleus and electrons arranged in shells (energy levels)
(no knowledge of s, p, d and f classification will be expected; a copy of the Periodic Table will be available in Papers 1 and 2)
(c) define proton (atomic) number and nucleon (mass) number
(d) interpret and use symbols such as 6 C 12
(e) define the term isotopes
(f) deduce the numbers of protons, neutrons and electrons in atoms and ions given proton and nucleon numbers

O Level - Combined Chemistry

(a) state the relative charges and approximate relative masses of a proton, a neutron and an electron
(b) describe, with the aid of diagrams, the structure of an atom as containing protons and neutrons (nucleons) in the nucleus and electrons arranged in shells (energy levels)
(no knowledge of s, p, d and f classification will be expected; a copy of the Periodic Table will be available in the examination)
(c) define proton number (atomic number) and nucleon number (mass number)
(d) interpret and use symbols such as 6 C 12
(e) define the term isotopes
(f) deduce the numbers of protons, neutrons and electrons in atoms and ions given proton and nucleon numbers

N(A) Level - Combined Chemistry

(a) state the relative charges and approximate relative masses of a proton, a neutron and an electron
(b) describe, with the aid of diagrams, the structure of an atom as containing protons and neutrons (nucleons) in the nucleus and electrons arranged in shells (energy levels)
(no knowledge of s, p, d and f classification will be expected; a copy of the Periodic Table will be available in the examination)
(c) define proton (atomic) number and nucleon (mass) number
(d) interpret and use symbols such as 2 He 4
(e) define the term isotopes
(f) deduce the numbers of protons, neutrons and electrons in atoms and ions given proton and nucleon numbers
- Syllabuses from SEAB

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