(a) describe the meanings of the terms acid and alkali in terms of the ions they produce in aqueous solution and their effects on Universal Indicator
(b) describe how to test hydrogen ion concentration and hence relative acidity using Universal Indicator and the pH scale
(c) describe qualitatively the difference between strong and weak acids in terms of the extent of ionisation
(d) describe the characteristic properties of acids as in reactions with metals, bases and carbonates
(e) state the uses of sulfuric acid in the manufacture of detergents and fertilisers; and as a battery acid
(f) describe the reaction between hydrogen ions and hydroxide ions to produce water as neutralisation
(g) describe the importance of controlling the pH in soils and how excess acidity can be treated using calcium hydroxide
(h) describe the characteristic properties of bases in reactions with acids and with ammonium salts
(i) classify oxides as acidic, basic, amphoteric or neutral based on metallic/non-metallic character
(j) classify sulfur dioxide as an acidic oxide and state its uses as a bleach, in the manufacture of wood pulp for paper and as a food preservative (by killing bacteria)
O Level - Combined Chemistry
(a) describe the meanings of the terms acid and alkali in terms of the ions they produce in aqueous solution and their effects on Universal Indicator
(b) describe how to test hydrogen ion concentration and hence relative acidity using Universal Indicator and the pH scale
(c) describe the characteristic properties of acids as in reactions with metals, bases and carbonates
(d) describe the reaction between hydrogen ions and hydroxide ions to produce water as neutralisation
(e) describe the importance of controlling the pH in soils and how excess acidity can be treated using calcium hydroxide
(f) describe the characteristic properties of bases as in reactions with acids and with ammonium salts
(g) classify oxides as acidic, basic, amphoteric or neutral based on metallic/non-metallic character
N(A) Level - Combined Chemistry
(a) describe the meanings of the terms acid and alkali in terms of the ions they produce in aqueous solution and their effects on Universal Indicator
(b) describe how to test hydrogen ion concentration and hence relative acidity using Universal Indicator and the pH scale
(c) describe the characteristic properties of acids as in reactions with metals, bases and carbonates
(d) describe the reaction between hydrogen ions and hydroxide ions to produce water as neutralisation
(e) describe the importance of controlling the pH in soils and how excess acidity can be treated using calcium hydroxide
(f) describe the characteristic properties of bases as in reactions with acids and with ammonium salts
(g) classify oxides as acidic, basic, amphoteric or neutral based on metallic/non-metallic character
- Syllabuses from SEAB
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